Importance of Background Check for Employment
Background check provides complete details, including the criminal background of the applicant. Fingerprinting services Los Angeles helps in doing this. They capture fingerprints and transmit the same to the DOJ or FBI for background check. Considering the serious consequences of a wrong hire, this step is now an integral part of the recruitment process in most organizations. Captured fingerprints are matched with the FBI’s extensive database.
However, background check is one of the criteria for employment and not the only deciding factor.
Half Truths of Background Check
So, certain myths and half truths that scare employees of background check are mostly untrue.
Here’s throwing some light on the common misconceptions.
- Criminal background may lead to the loss of job opportunity – This is not true. If the nature of conviction is not directly related to the type of job, it may not lead to withdrawal of the job opportunity. Moreover, employers often delve into the details prior to rejection.
- Background check is conducted only at the time of employment – This is untrue. An employee may indulge in wrong doings even after attaining the job. Background check is also conducted during promotion or once in every few years.
- Employers use a single check box for approval of background check – This is not true. Employers request applicants for fingerprint based background check. It is clearly communicated and not just mentioned in the application form. In fact, some employers mention specific, reliable fingerprinting services to applicants for background check.
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